
Our website is a contender for "best website" in THE NOISE'S BEST OF 2005 POLL. If you love us, please vote for sobsisters.com on #18!
We're very pleased that one of our recent performances got a lovely review in THE NOISE. Here's a transcript:
Sky Bar, Somerville, MA 6/20/05 (by Micah Bellieu)
As I walk into Sky Bar, I’m immediately struck by the darkness of the crowd; I’m one of three people not wearing black. I sift through the abyss to the end of the bar and take a look around. Even though the dress is dark, everyone is jolly because the Sob Sisters are on stage. They are a fantastic trio that doles out ’20s cover songs like “Makin’ Whoopee,” while also throwing in a few quirky tunes of their own. Onstage are two cellos, a saw, a bow, and a kazoo. A saw and a kazoo? Yup. What’s more, the eclectic instrumentation isn’t even the best part. The lead singer’s quavering wonderment of a voice fills the room with dry wit and emotionless tone. As if this band doesn’t stick out enough, they only perform wearing head to toe ’20s garb. All around perfection...
Our loyal fans have been clamoring to hear more of our music and we finally got the chance to oblige... Check out our brand new MP3s right here: TEN CENTS A DANCE
featuring the lovely vocals of Ms. Renée Désar, also with Karen on cello, and Ms. Kitty Heels on the percussion kit...
featuring Renée on vox & cello, Ms. Kitty on Singing Saw, Kazoo & comic relief, and Ms. Karen on the ukulele
with Ms. Karen on uke, vox & sass, Ms. Renée on cello, and Ms. Kitty on the percussion kit
{Yeah, we know...these are a little lo-fi, but there has been talk of visiting the studio real soon...so stay tuned!}
Just want to say THANK YOU to JESSE who has sent us a lovely slide projector in working condition! Thank you Jesse!!

We've been mentioned a Boston Globe article about the area's budding underground cabaret scene. An online version of the article can be found here if you are interested. The printed version had some great photos too!
Our friends at Silent Ghost Cinema have a video out for which we provided the soundtrack. Please enjoy watching as The Broken Doll Meets Sad Sue.